Become a More Intentional Father in Less than 3 Minutes a Day.

The 2024 DadMore Challenge Provides One Simple Tool to Empower Fathers

to Embrace Presence, Shower Praise, and Ignite Purpose in Their Kids' Lives.

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Unleash Your Inner Disciple-Making, World-Changing Dad Today!

Hey there, fellow dads (or wives who want to give the BEST gift that keeps on giving)! Corbin & Trevor here, and we've got something special for you.

We started Dad.More because we truly believe that being a dad is one of the most important roles you will play in your life.

Whether your child is a tiny tot or a budding adult, we want to help provide tools for shaping them into the incredible world changer they can be.

Brace yourself for a game-changing revelation: It all boils down to three powerful elements—PRESENCE, PRAISE, and PURPOSE!

Getting Started is Really Simple (we're simple dudes).

Step 1: Subscribe Below For Just $39 for the Year (Normally $99)

Step 2: Get A "Challenge" Email Each Day That Pushes You Towards Being a Dad, More!

Step 3 (optional, but preferred😉): Recruit Other Dads

Now - we've made this almost annoyingly cheap at just $39 a year.

I get it—it's such a tiny investment that it could easily slip under the radar. But let me tell you, every time you see that little ding in your checking account, it's a powerful reminder of the legacy you're building.

You're not just investing in yourself; you're investing in your child's future. And that's priceless!

PRESENCE, PRAISE, and PURPOSE are the foundational keys to raising true world changers.

Dad.More is an easy way to be reminded daily to bring intentionality into fathering.

So what are you waiting for?

Join Dad.More today and experience the transformation that will make you Dad, More!

The Dad.More Way

PRESENCE. Imagine the immense impact you can have on your son or daughter when you shower them with your undivided presence, guided by the love and grace of our Lord.

PRAISE. Our words have the power to ignite a holy fire within their souls, inspiring them to embrace their God-given potential and to courageously overcome any challenge they may face.

PURPOSE. By helping our children align their lives with God's purpose, we equip them with a compass that directs their every decision and fuels their ambition with divine inspiration.

What Is The Subscription For?

1 Daily Email

To Your Inbox

1 Challenge

To be a Dad, More

3 P's

Presence, Praise, Purpose

What Is The Subscription For?

1 Daily Email

To Your Inbox

1 Challenge

To be a Dad, More

3 P's

Presence, Praise, Purpose